Nested Jails

It is possible to use libioc within another jail instance, so that it is possible to run nested jails. The requirements to run libioc within another iocage jail are

  • At least one ZFS dataset is shared with the jail that will become the iocage root dataset
  • An maximum number of allowed jails to start (children_max)
  • The ability to mount NullFS and ZFS
host # ioc create -b -n nested-host
host # zfs create -o jailed=on zroot/jailed
host # ifconfig bridge1337 create inet up
host # ioc set \
    jail_zfs=yes \
    jail_zfs_dataset=zroot/jailed \
    children_max=10 \
    securelevel=0 \
    allow_chflags=yes \
    allow_mount=yes \
    allow_mount_devfs=yes \
    allow_mount_nullfs=yes \
    allow_mount_zfs=yes \
    allow_raw_sockets=yes \
    enforce_statfs=yes \

Mount fdescfs on the nested jail host

host # ioc set \
    allow_mount_fdescfs=yes \
    exec_poststart="mount -t fdescfs null /dev/fd" \

Optional for VNET networking for the nested jail host

host # ioc set \
    vnet=yes \
    interfaces="vnet0:bridge0" \
    ip4_addr="vnet0|" \
    defaultrouter= \

Within the jail libioc can be configured to use the shared ZFS filesystem:

nested-host # pkg install -y git-lite
nested-host # git clone
nested-host # cd libioc/
nested-host # make install
nested-host # sysrc ioc_dataset_ioc="root/jailed/iocage"
nested-host # ioc fetch -r 11.2-RELEASE
nested-host # ioc create -b -n nested-jail
nested-host # ...