Jail Config

Every Jail in iocage has a config property that points to its JailConfg instance. This object behaves like a regular dictionary structure and returns a jails configuration properties by defined by the user, host globals or iocage defaults.

jail = ioc.Jail("myjail")

The JailConfig is compatible with all prior iocage variants, so that it is possible to manage jails with most recent JSON configuration files stored in the Jails root dataset as well as legacy formats in form of an UCL file or even ZFS properties (as used by iocage_legacy). When reading existing jails from disk, the currently used configuration storage format is automatically detected and continued to be used when saving changes. The most recent format seen on a host defines the format that iocage will use to create new jails with, which is neat when updating hosts that are maintained by an existing installation.

Note: Sceptical users may use libioc with existing jails without modification of the format. A later migration will upgrade the whole jail to the most recent format, but besides the absence of some newer features there is no reason to migrate a jail at all.

Configuration Properties

Property Default Description
id None Unique jail identifier. (In older versions of iocage this was a random UUID.)
release None Name of a jails release that may include a specific patchlevel, e.g. 11.1-RELEASE-p1 on FreeBSD
boot False Starts the jail from the iocage rc.d script during host start.
priority 0 Defines the boot order. Higher numbers are started first.
legacy False Read-only value defining whether a Jail is formatted with a legacy format (UCL or ZFS Properties)
basejail False True if a Jail is a Basejail.
basejail_type "nullfs" Defined whether to use NullFS mounts or ZFS clones on Jail start. (Accepted Values: nullfs or zfs)
clonejail False TODO
defaultrouter None IPv4 address of the default router. May include a specific interface name to establish a point-to-point route. (e.g. <IPv4Address>[@<Interface>])
defaultrouter6 None IPv6 address of the default router. May include a specific interface name to establish a point-to-point route. (e.g. <IPv6Address>[@<Interface>])
mac_prefix "02ff60" Automatically generated MAC addresses for VNET interfaces use this prefix.
vnet False Enables VNET/VIMAGE networking.
interfaces [] Defines the relation between jail VNET and host interfaces. A double colon between the jail interface and the host bridge enables the Secure VNET.
ip4 "new" TODO
ip4_saddrsel 1 TODO
ip4_addr None A boolean option to change the formerly mentioned behaviour and disable IPv4 source address selection for the jail in favour of the primary IPv4 address of the jail. Source address selection is enabled by default for all jails and the ip4.nosaddrsel set- ting of a parent jail is not inherited for any child jails.
ip6 "new" TODO
ip6_saddrsel 1 TODO
ip6_addr None TODO
resolver "/etc/resolv.conf" TODO
host_hostuuid None TODO
host_hostname None TODO
host_domainname None TODO
devfs_ruleset 4 TODO
enforce_statfs 2 TODO
children_max 0 TODO
allow_set_hostname 1 TODO
allow_sysvipc 0 TODO
allow_raw_sockets 0 TODO
allow_chflags 0 TODO
allow_mount 0 TODO
allow_mount_devfs 0 TODO
allow_mount_nullfs 0 TODO
allow_mount_procfs 0 TODO
allow_mount_fdescfs 0 TODO
allow_mount_zfs 0 TODO
allow_mount_tmpfs 0 TODO
allow_quotas 0 TODO
allow_socket_af 0 TODO
rlimits None TODO
sysvmsg "new" TODO
sysvsem "new" TODO
sysvshm "new" TODO
exec_clean 1 TODO
exec_fib 1 TODO
exec_prestart None TODO
exec_created None TODO
exec_start "/bin/sh /etc/rc" TODO
exec_poststart None TODO
exec_prestop None TODO
exec_stop "/bin/sh /etc/rc.shutdown" TODO
exec_poststop None TODO
exec_jail_user "root" TODO
exec_timeout "60" TODO
stop_timeout "30" TODO
mount_procfs "0" TODO
mount_devfs "1" TODO
mount_fdescfs "0" TODO
securelevel "2" TODO
tags [] TODO
template False TODO
jail_zfs False TODO
jail_zfs_dataset None TODO
provisioning.method None TODO
provisioning.source None TODO
provisioning.rev "master" TODO

User Properties

The namespace user.* is available to store arbitrary config values. Those properties do not have an impact on the jail, but can be used to attach additional information to a jail.

$ ioc set user.comment="Nice Jail" myjail

Of course it is possible to select those values in Resource Filters.