libioc.Config.Jail.File.Fstab module

Manage fstab files.

class libioc.Config.Jail.File.Fstab.Fstab(logger=None, host=None, file='/etc/fstab')[source]


Fstab configuration file wrapper.

This object allows to read, programatically edit and write fstab files. Bound to an iocage resource, the location of the /etc/fstab file is relative to the resource’s root_dataset <resource>/root.

add_line(line, skip_existing=False, replace=False, auto_create_destination=False, auto_mount_jail=True)[source]

Directly append a FstabLine type.

Use save() to write changes to the fstab file.

Return type

Union[FstabLine, FstabCommentLine, FstabAutoPlaceholderLine]

index(line, start=None, end=None)[source]

Find the index position of a FstabLine in the Fstab instance.

Return type


insert(index, value)[source]

Insert a line at a given position.

Return type


new_line(source, destination, type='nullfs', options='ro', freq=0, passno=0, comment=None, replace=False, auto_create_destination=False, auto_mount_jail=True)[source]

Append a new line to the fstab file.

Use save() to write changes to the fstab file.

Return type

Union[FstabLine, FstabCommentLine, FstabAutoPlaceholderLine]

parse_lines(input_text, ignore_auto_created=True, skip_destinations=[])[source]

Parse the content of a fstab file.

  • input_text (str) – The text content of an existing fstab file

  • ignore_auto_created (bool) – Skips reading entries that were created by iocage

  • exclude_destinations – List of destination strings that is skipped

Return type


property path

Absolute fstab file path.

This is the file read from and written to.

Return type



Read the fstab file.

Return type


replace_path(pattern, replacement)[source]

Replace a path in all fstab entries (source or destination).

Return type



Update or create the fstab file.

Return type



Read file and then write changes.

Return type


class libioc.Config.Jail.File.Fstab.FstabAutoPlaceholderLine(data={})[source]

Bases: dict

A placeholder for auto-created fstab lines.

class libioc.Config.Jail.File.Fstab.FstabBasejailLine(data)[source]

Bases: libioc.Config.Jail.File.Fstab.FstabLine

Model a fstab line automatically created by a NullFS basejail.

class libioc.Config.Jail.File.Fstab.FstabCommentLine(data)[source]

Bases: dict

Model a fstab comment line (beginning with #).

class libioc.Config.Jail.File.Fstab.FstabFsSpec(sequence)[source]

Bases: libioc.Types.AbsolutePath

Enforces an AbsolutePath or special device name.

PATTERN = re.compile('^[A-Za-z][A-Za-z0-9]*$')
class libioc.Config.Jail.File.Fstab.FstabLine(data)[source]

Bases: dict

Model a line of an fstab file.

class libioc.Config.Jail.File.Fstab.FstabMaintenanceLine(data)[source]

Bases: libioc.Config.Jail.File.Fstab.FstabLine

Model a fstab line automatically created for jail launch scripts.

class libioc.Config.Jail.File.Fstab.JailFstab(jail, logger=None, host=None, file='fstab')[source]

Bases: libioc.Config.Jail.File.Fstab.Fstab

Fstab file abstraction of a Jails fstab file.

The jails fstab file is stored in its main dataset.

add_line(line, skip_existing=False, replace=False, auto_create_destination=False, auto_mount_jail=True)[source]

Directly append a FstabLine type.

Use save() to write changes to the fstab file.

Return type

Union[FstabLine, FstabCommentLine, FstabAutoPlaceholderLine]


Mount all fstab entries to the jail.

Return type

Generator[MountFstab, None, None]

parse_lines(input_text, ignore_auto_created=True, skip_destinations=[])[source]

Parse the content of a fstab file.

  • input_text (str) – The text content of an existing fstab file

  • ignore_auto_created (bool) – Skips reading entries that were created by iocage

  • exclude_destinations – List of destination strings that is skipped

Return type


property path

Absolute fstab file path.

This is the file read from and written to.

When the path begins with a / it is assumed to be absolute, so that the jails dataset mountpoint is not used as path prefix. This is useful when moving around jail backups.

Return type



Unmount all fstab entries from the jail.

Return type

Generator[MountFstab, None, None]


Set a new release and save the updated file.

Return type
